Elle’s Avian Essentials Kits are the perfect all-in-one bundle to set up your bird’s cage with EVERYTHING they need! Toys, perches, food bowls… they’ve got it all! When you purchase an Elle’s Avian Essentials Kit, the only other items you need are the cage and the food.

MY AMAZON LISTS FOR BIRDS (products I use and recommend):



TIKTOK: @elleandthebirds

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Mailbox 165
2906 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201, USA

💙Bluebell – blue budgie
💛Ducky – lutino cockatiel
💚Kermit – yellow-sided green cheek conure
🤍Pearl – albino budgie
💜Violet – blue budgie
🧡Nemo – jenday conure

disclaimer: as an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from the Amazon store at no extra cost to you.

    22 replies to "Parrot Care Q&A! | Diet? Training? Bird Flu?"

    • Md Hossain

      This is my first time of being early

      if you are also


    • Shayan Gani

      Hi Elle I love your vids thank you so much for the information!

    • GgFilmz

      Hi! I got my two budgies from a pet store, so they're scared of fruit and have never had it before! I think millet was also part of their diet, because they don't like it as a treat. It makes it harder to bond with them, but your videos have been really helpful!

    • cute and cuddly channel

      I'm getting a green cheek conure on Christmas and I'm going to name him kiwi

    • Catgurlll

      Thanks for all of the videos with all that every new bird owner needs to know, of course with our own research too 🙂
      Been a subscriber for a while, and don’t regret it at all <33333

    • Mary Snow

      Me encanta ver a tus pajaritos LIBRES y bien cuidados

    • Birds Take Over

      Finally Ducky is the star of the video!! Also, how so I switch my budgie from seeds to pellets? If I mix then together he will just pick out the seeds and he's bit interested in pellets. He doesn't like coloured pellets. And if I crush the pellets and mix them with seeds and add some water he still only picks out then seeds. Please help me…

    • ꧁PetsWithSimrah꧂

      Throughout ur vids I have upgraded my bird cage, diet, bonding, and also training so far so good my bird has learned three tricks. Tho it takes some time to teach them tricks u know. I miss my birds 😢. *me at the hospital laying on the bed but still waiting for more vids from u❤️ . Hope u read my comment that will be a lot to me ❤️ bye

    • Aashish Adams

      Why don't you breed your birds

    • estherla yeboako

      im a big fan

    • Like Happiness

      I love how Ducky wants to be pet throughout te video

    • Nazirun Mina

      Elle I really love your videos , I still do t have the best care for them , because I don't have enough space , and I got birds before I knew anything about them. But I got two more birds after my first birds and they bred two times. I tried to stop them by taking the nest box away , and they don't have any nesting toys or anything. They stopped breeding now. So I would like to know what would you do in this situation. When you already have 8 budgies but three just add in your flock. So it's kind of hard taking them all out together. I'm afraid they will fight and won't get a long. So please give me some tips.

    • Richard Todd

      To prevent confusion, discourage your bird from buying, or even worse, stealing bronzer while in the cosmetics aisle.

    • 渡辺ボス


    • ItZ liamZ

      Can’t you put there cages close together to get used to them

    • Duffy’s adventures

      Wow I learned something new today thank you Elle you’ve taught me a lot and inspire me

    • BirdNerdSophie

      Great video! The diet info was perfect! 😊🦜

    • Cassidy Yes

      hi elle,ive been watching u for more than a year now.u actually really helped me alot and im currently convincing my parents to get me a bird:)ur videos bring so much joy to me 🥲💗

    • Mr.Boonesandpeaboo

      I love theses types of videos

    • Juliana

      Is a bird going to die if it’s old and we change his cage

    • Feather Beautiful

      Nice informative video Elle!

    • itZ Lizzie

      how do I get my bird to eat chop pls tell they r not eating healthy they are eating seeds but they r not store bought seed they r healthy so is it ok? if i just feed my bird's that ??

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