98% Don't Know This Don't Be One Of Them. Get This Guide & Make Your Bird Happy!

We have written this handbook to explain to you exactly what goes on behind the scenes of the domestic bird world, so that you can't make a wrong choice and you WILL have a REALLY tame bird...

“This unique project has saved me so much money and disappointment that I would recommend it to anyone.”

Shirley Willemsen

Voorschoten, NL

ONLY $37,-!

WAS $97



Valuable extras and Updates in accompanying exclusive VIP members Site

Videos straight from practice

Very valuable additional video explanations, additions and advice from first-hand experience from experienced parrot and parakeet experts from living under 1 roof with these fascinating animals.

Practically applicable

Additional knowledge sheets with useful, practically applicable tips, such as what to do in case of escape, injuries and more.

Prevents every bad purchase

You will discover how you can avoid a bad purchase when purchasing a tame parrot or parakeet.


There is a lot of knowledge and information that is not immediately on the surface regarding purchasing and keeping a tame bird as a pet.


When can a bird be called tame, who decides that and what is the definition of 'tame'?


Find out what pet traders want to keep hidden at all costs.


During this 'Crooked Beak Secrets' offer you will receive the DVD for free with valuable explanations and advice.

Who is this manual suitable for?

All Parrots And Parakeets

In this project, Pyrrhuras are used as an example, but all knowledge and information is very broadly applicable to most parakeet and parrot species.

Pyrrhura Lepida


Pyrrhuras are South American parakeets with a spicy character. You can make them into a pit bull or an almost stuffed animal.

Pyrrhura Molinae


98% Don't Know This Don't Be One Of Them. Get This Guide & Make Your Bird Happy!

With this temporary promotion, receive LIFETIME access to the accompanying VIP Members Website + the Digital Version + valuable first-hand tips and advice + free updates until 2027!

ONLY $37,-!

WAS $97


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Pyrrhura Pet Bird